Make it green! Make your blog carbon neutral!

You can compensate the carbon footprint of your blog. For free ! Everything is explained below. Have a look !

“Make your blog carbon neutral” comes from Germany, and is also now available in France. We aim at reducing our carbon footprint thanks to little acts, such as compensating the carbon footprint of one’s blog. We plant trees in Germany and in the US in ordre to achieve this goal.

I plant a tree to neutralise the carbon footpring of my blog

Take part ! Reduce the carbon footprint of your blog with one single tree. For free !

Take part ! Join the community and plant a tree

2.026 participants au 03/09/2016

Le Saviez-vous ?

Chaque année L'Afrique et l'Amérique du Sud, d'oú provient la majorité de la production de papier, perdent chacune 4 millions d'hectares de forêts.
De plus, 2 mètres cube de bois sont en moyenne abîmés pour 1 m cube de bois réellement exploité.